As a hospitality network for Christian households, A Candle in the Window Hospitality Network expects its members to display authentic Christian character which, in their own “spheres of relationships”, has earned them a “good name”.
Reviewing feedback from other members can be invaluable in several ways:
1) It may help determine suitability and build confidence in choosing a host or accepting a guest request, and
2) it can be a great encouragement to a household, as well as assist hosts in learning how they can better serve their guests.
For this reason we strongly encourage you to take a few minutes after visiting in a member’s home to send us a quick feedback. Members may also solicit feedback from other members who have frequented their homes apart from A Candle in the Window Hospitality Network (Feedback from non-members will not be accepted). Click the tab below to send feedback. (Important: When providing feedback, use membership numbers for identification and type feedback in subject line). Feedback may be posted (see the bottom of member’s profile) and/or forwarded to member. _________________________________________________
Send Feedback
Beyond reviewing a member’s profile and any feedback, some members may desire to review a reference before requesting a visit or accepting a guest.
As soon as possible after joining, members are requested to provide a reference letter (a pastor, teacher, small group leader, elder or deacon, missions associate… someone who can vouch for the member’s character if requested). Be sure to identify your household by membership ID number and include the reference’s phone number or email. References letters will not be posted on website, rather:
1) A copy should be forwarded to A Candle in the Window Hospitality Network to be kept on file. Upon receipt, it will be noted on member’s profile (in contact data, just below city/state/country) that he has a reference letter on file with A Candle in the Window Hospitality Network; in addition,
2) reference letter should be saved to member’s documents on his computer. In the event that a potential host or guest receives a message requesting a reference, he simply replies via email, attaching his reference letter (an attachment is preferable, as it can be saved in member’s documents and used repeatedly for all requests). Type A Candle in the Window Hospitality Network in the subject line when responding to messages.
Although reviewing a member’s profile, feedback, and noting that he has a reference letter on file is often sufficient, members should feel free to request a reference from potential host or guest if they so desire. If you are interested in this optional step, please follow the instructions below:
To request a reference letter:
1. Review member’s profile.
2. Click “send message” above profile.
3. Send message requesting a reference letter. Be sure to identify yourself by your membership number and type "reference request" in subject line.
To send a reference letter:
Upon receiving request for a reference letter, simply reply to sender via email attaching reference (that has been saved in your documents). Be sure to identify yourself by your membership number.
A sample reference:
I have known John and Carol no last names please* and their children for several years. They have been members in our church and have served faithfully, especially in the area of music. Our worship team often meets at their house for coffee and dessert after practice. They are a lovely family. I heartily recommend them to your hospitality network.
Pastor John Doe
1st Christian Church
Dover, MA
(123) 456-7890
*Members may choose to use their member identification number instead of first names.